Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her by the Lord. Luke 1/45
And it came to pass....
Misty has been singing a new lyric of the many new songs the Lord is breathing this time of Spiritual Awakening.
"I'm here in the waiting room...of unanswered prayer
Still in the waiting room, I'm still in the waiting room...of unanswered prayer.
Keep on askin', keep on seekin', keep on believin',
Prayer... prayer... prayer... prayer's all I've got here
and time... time...time... seems to taunt me... sometimes it haunts me
I know You are God, and Your ways are wonderful
Oh God, and sometimes they're terrible
I'm still in the waiting room ,stuck in the waiting room
still here in the waiting room, of unanswered prayer.
You make all things beautiful ....just in time."
Recently I have felt prompted to 'remember how the Lord has led you'...kind of like the way Moses reminded the people of Israel of the Faithfulness of the Lord during their wilderness journey.
Looking back in my always a good thing for me...since I haven't seemed able to write for a long time.
Back in 2007, working in Lakefield....
And there I was moaning to the Lord about my living conditions. Will I ever be able to move out of this room and have my own place ???
Mourning the loss of my beloved pet Sam ...will I ever have another puppy to hold and pour my love upon ?? Will the pain ever ease ?
The longing in the heart of this woman to share life with someone....comes straight from the heart of God , who also longs for this.
God is essential ! He wants us to need Him desperately!
So in His love He leads us to the wilderness....
when I think about prayer, when I think about silence, I feel a great painful scream inside of me . Hear me scream Jesus, see my pain, my broken and contrite heart , meet me there, hold my heart, and understand. (Jan.08)
Kind of intense looking at it now....but maybe it was more real then, maybe I was raw, but at least I could write it down then.
So...Nancy...consider what God has done.... who can straighten what He has made crooked?
He changes times and anoint my dying with your beauty and myrrh is my gift. The Fragrance of Christ on my life.
Last night gentle whispers reminded me...'who is here in your arms ?'
My puppy Zoey! Did I ever imagine I would ever have her ? No.
'Look around you ... you have your own place...did you ever imagine it ?'
No...not through the veil of my now ?
Actually when I really think on things past...I never thought I would ever have my very own car, never thought I would find freedom, never imagined my dream would come true of spending eight months of my life at the International House of Prayer and my destiny.
One day as my time there was drawing to a close...I was so sad to leave...there was a day in the prayer room, the Lord seemed to be sitting right beside me, and almost audibly spoke to me and said.
"Nancy, do you believe I am able to keep you ?"
Naturally I responded..'of course Lord I believe'....easy to say when there was money in the bank, and I was there in His Presence never wanting to leave.
So there has been a testing in the years since then....he has taken me through the fire, the rain, the pain, the trials, the the gold...whatever it takes to be one who carries Him everywhere I go.
Today, the season has changed ! The Winds of the Spirit are blowing with renewed hope empowering us with life and joy.
Even though I may still be in that waiting room of unanswered prayer for some issues I have been longing for I will surrender my heart and step into the swirl of the Wind and Fire.
Have your way Lord. Let my life be a Fragrance. The Fragrance of Christ as I give up my life....let it rise before You.