Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Story of the Cape

Last year I met an acquaintance from my youth. It's a good story....his father had been friends with my mother when they were teenagers growing up . Later, when my mother met and married my father, this friend and his family lived just up the street and around the corner. Nice story .

This person and his dad have now come into my life. This time in an amazing way and we are going to be married next month. Very nice story.

The thing that touched my heart early in our communication were the stories he told of his childhood and his youth.

Meet Dennis...five years old....sixty years ago !! It's the 'expression' on that face that first captured my attention.


One of the first stories he shared with me was something that had touched his heart at one's a song, but I am sharing the lyrics that tell the story best.

A song by a chap name of Guy Clark, and the title of which is THE CAPE.

Please let me share it with you...

"Eight years old with a flour sack cape, tied all around his neck, he climbed up on the garage, he's figurin what the heck.
Screwed his courage up so tight that the whole thing come unwound. He got a runnin start and bless his heart, he headed for the ground.

He's one of those that knows that life is just a leap of faith. Spread your arms and hold your breath and ALWAYS TRUST YOUR CAPE..

Now he's all grown up, with a flour sack cape, tied all around his dreams, and he's full of ---- and vinegar, he's busting at the seams.
So he licked his finger and checked the wind, it's gonna be do or die, he wasn't scared of nothin boys he was pretty sure he could fly.

Well he's one of those who knows that life is just a leap of faith. Spread your arms and hold your breath, AND ALWAYS TRUST YOUR CAPE..

Now he's old and grey with a flour sack Cape, tied all around his head. and he's still jumpin off the garage and will be till he's dead. All these years the people said he's actin like a kid.
He did not know he could not fly, SO HE DID....

He's one of those who knows that life is just a leap of faith. Spread your arms and hold your breath, AND ALWAYS TRUST YOUR CAPE.."

Cute song....and the fact that sometimes those around us don't see us as the Lord sees us...and it is He who gives us the courage and the ability to find the 'Wind'and let Him carry us .....where no one else could have seen us go... flying free on the Wings of Love.

So...this past July when my Friend and Beloved came to visit , he had a plan of where we should here are a few photos' of our first encounter, and the fun I have to look forward to experiencing in the years to come.


My first view as I drove across the parking lot .....suddenly I was laughing , and laughing wondering if anyone else was looking at this crazy man in a Cape and if anyone had decided to call the Police......nope....sigh of relief !! Now all I had to decide was if I would actually get out of my car and meet him.....yep....sure did.





It seems if a lady of such an age as myself can leap from an airplane at 10,000 feet then joining forces with a man with a Cape, means I actually discover my own Cape.

Thank You Jesus...such a good story with a very happy ending. Dad has also been immersed in our lives and will join us when we relocate to British Columbia after we are married.

Such a good story Lord. We are grateful beyond measure.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Acts 2:1


Suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

The Holy Spirit came upon them suddenly - not predictably or expectedly or customarily but 'suddenly'.

Welcome to the world of Acts and the 'sudden' Spirit of God, sovereign and free, never subordinate to timing or technique. He creates His own agenda, determines his own calendar, and keeps His own hours.

Fire and wind now. House shaking later. Visiting the Samaritans after water baptism. Falling on the Gentiles before water baptism.

And here, roaring like a tornado through Jerusalem. The 'Sound' filled the whole house' and spilled into the streets. The whistling, rushing,blowing sound of a wind.

They began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

..........we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.
So they were all amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, 'Whatever could this mean?'(vv.4-12)

Envision such a phenomenon. Imagine a cosmopolitan center such as New York City. Fifth Avenue is packed with business people, laborers, and travellers from all over the world.

Early one morning as the mobs throb their way to work, the sound of wind shakes the boulevard. The roar is so stout and robust that people stop dead in their tracks as if expecting to see a train blaze down the avenue.

Silence falls on the city only to be interrupted by the voices of a group gathered in Central Park. One hundred and twenty people speak, each one standing beneath a different flame, each one proclaiming God's goodness in a different language. Witnesses hear their native tongues. Jose from Spain hears about God's mercy in Spanish, Mayo from Japan hears a message in Japanese.....They hear different languages but one message: the wonders of God.

Whatever could this mean ? (v.12) ...rushing wind and falling fire....

At least this much....God loves the nations.....He longs to proclaim His greatness in all 6909 languages that exist in the world today.

He loves all people groups and equips us to be His voice.

He commissions common Galileans, Nebraskans, Canadians, and Koreans to speak the languages of the peoples of the world.

He teaches us the vocabulary of the distant lands, the dialect of the discouraged neighbor, the vernacular of the lonely heart, and the idiom of the young student.

God outfits his followers to cross cultures and touch hearts. Pentecost makes this promise: if you are in Christ, God's Spirit will speak through you.

Let God unshell you. And when He does, 'make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given , and then sink yourself into that.(Gal.6:4 msg.)

Don't miss the opportunity to discover your language.

I am reading the above book. I joined and you get to review a book which they send you for free and you just write a review of it on your blog. Pretty cool...

So, this one chapter has impacted me most so far,especially the invitation to 'discover your language'....which for me has clearly been a burden for the elderly.

I love that God speaks every language, and likes to awaken our ear to hear the many and varied ways He chooses to speak .

And I really appreciate Max Lucado and the language the Lord has chosen to speak His heart to me through. Very nice.