Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Listening In

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One of the responsibilities on my job is listening . During the nightime hours I must keep the monitor , situated on the headboard , ON and loud enough that I will be awakened when my people need me.

One of the main reasons is that when my lady has to use the commode, she needs assistance . Every time, she tells her husband not to bother 'the girl'. Well if 'the girl' does not get there quickly the chances that someone will fall and suffer a broken hip increase , which is one of the main reasons for the monitor and ' the girl' in the first place. You get the picture.

Anyway, recently I was awakened at 4 a.m. but instead of needing me in that moment, I was reluctantly forced to wait out some moments of loving intimacy between my lady and her husband of over 65 years. I am not kidding, he is 91 and she is 90.

At that hour of the morning there is no way that I could turn the monitor off to give them the privacy I would if this occured early in the evening. As it happened , he did try to get her up to the commode and had the bedside railing removed as I entered the room.

You can imagine my prayer as I listened and waited for the proper timing in such a sensitive situation.

After everyone was safely tucked back into bed, my thougts were captured by the truth that there is SOMEONE who listens and sees EVERYTHING ! He IS God and because that is exactly Who He Is , He listens, He sees , and is moved deeply in response to all that He is witness to .

I was thinking particularly about how He is witness to all our sinful behaviour (flashback to the past) but He made me aware that it is much more than that. He feels it all. He feels the terror of the violence and destruction that His children purpetrate upon each other.

He feels the cry of every child that is raped and molested, of the desructive brutality Satan inflicts upon His children, those created in His Image and Likeness. Just think if you were able to observe Satan beating the life out of your children.

His heart breaks, and He weeps with us. He hears our accusations of abandonment even as we reject His Gift of Jesus. Yet He never turns His heart away from our curses, rejection and unbelief.

I do not begin to understand the depth of our descent into self and brokeness that happened when man decided to take care of himself all those eons ago. It is a mystery to me. Someday it will end .

In the meantime, in the wee small hours of the morning I will choose to whisper words of loving intimacy to One So Beautiful as this Jesus. This God-Man who knows more than I can even imagine, exactly what each heart needs and experiences at every moment.

I will rest in His embrace adding my voice to all in creation who choose to welcome His Gaze , His Listening Ear, and His Responsive Heart. I will watch and listen with Him and join Him as He prays for us.


Rebecca said...

An amazing way to tell about a real truth.....well written....

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Very, very touching, Nancy!

Bev said...

Sorry, I'm not feeling real spiritual right now .... I'm just thinking "Go little old people GO!!" Still frisky at that age is amazing!

Trudy said...

What a nice blog Nancy and the analogy you used is excellent.
Yes God listens to us all the time even when we do not realize that.

I also have to agree with Bev, "Go little old people Go!!"

Hey you live an interesting life, seems far from boring :)

Love Trudy