Saturday, September 01, 2007

O.K. maybe not finished forever..... that is why I did not delete my blog, because I knew that I just might change my mind when the Light filled my eyes once again.

It has been six weeks today since Sam died, and looking back I wonder how I made it through those early days and weeks. Grace really is Amazing actually, and I am thankful for all the prayers and understanding I have received.

Lately I have been running around looking for new accomodations and finding out how it feels to be among the working poor. I have been approved for Assisted Housing and am on the waiting list....#336 . That is too funny since they placed 49 last year.

The affordable housing situation here is very bad, but I was also approved for a housing subsidy. That means that a portion of my rent will be paid and I pay the rest for up to 5 years. So the government has been doing a little bit. The challenge is to find a landlord who will be interested and qualify at the same time. I will be so glad to get out of this little room!

Anyway, all this has been a good diversion if not an exhausting and frustrating experience. This is a university town and some landlords are asking outrageous rents for terrible living conditions, knowing students will live in almost any place. Very sad.

On another topic I borrowed a book from my daughter in law Katherine recently.

Marley and Me, by John Grogan. It has had me in sqealing with hysterical laughter and tears. I highly recommend it for any dog lovers out there. I know I will come to the sad parts at the end but this journey with Marley and his family will be worth it.

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Carol-Ann Allen said...

Ah! You are up and running again! Those of us who have blogged for any length of time know there come days when you really wonder if you shut it all down!

"Morley and Me" is a hilarious book! When we read how they met "Dad" and the description of the wild beast that roared past them, we just hollered with laughter! Actually, we started reading it together in our little 3-chair-nook earlier this year but busy-ness got us off track ... we shall have to get back to it!

Anonymous said...

Just checking!!
Glad you're back.

Rebecca said...

Thankfully you have sen the light and are back!! Yahoo!!

Amrita said...

Glad you are back. I know how it is with Sam.I still cannot bear to look at Jimmy 's photos...5 months.