Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Ah....parenting a puppy.... or at least learning to...

Zoey... this is a ball.... fetch the ball girl... and she did. Yay !

On the other hand she is chewing the furniture and many other items so it is back to the pet store for more chew toys.

She is filling a large empty place in my heart left by my Sam and I am very grateful to the Lord.


Jeanette said...

Wonderful picture, Nancy! It captures all her sweetness. (Doesn't show the chewed furniture, though, which I know is a trial!) What a cutie she is!

Anonymous said...

At homegroup last night held a puppy just like Zoe. What a cutey!
They got her in July and are really in love with her. I can see why!!
Happy parenting.
Luv ya