Friday, October 31, 2008

Last Week


It has been one week today since Zoey had her surgery (spaying). In female puppies it is major surgery since they remove the uterus and ovaries. Something I learned is that spaying really helps prevent mammary cancer in dogs. Still, I felt very sorry for her. week later , actually after only a few days she was back to her playful little personality.


Today at noon hour we took advantage of the beautiful weather and had a nice walk , the longest since her surgery.

This puppy has become such a blessing and she is so very affectionate. She just loves to hug and cuddle...and so do I !


When I get home from work we take a few minutes to enjoy each other.


The Lord sure knew what I needed when He gave me Zoey....we rescued each other.


Anonymous said...

Ah Nancy
You look so beautiful and happy.
Zoe is sure a Godsent.
Luv ya

Amrita said...

You look so happy with Zoey.

In my country there is no splaying, at least in my town.

I wish there was

Trudy said...

Nice pictures Nancy and what a cutie is Zoey.


Rebecca said...

Yep - you sure look like you are enjoying her!!!