Monday, September 07, 2009

Power Interuption

Today being a holiday , it seemed fitting for the folks who manage our apartment building to arrange electrical maintenance . We received a notice that the power would be off and on over the day, and to make suitable arrangements. They had promised that one elevator would remain running and that the emergency lights in the halls would be on.....well , they least for the first five hours.

So...good little Zoey made no insistence on going for her morning business, so we waited and waited and waited. Finally, I decided to venture out with my trusty Dollarama flashlight and carried Zoey down the seven flights of dark stairs. Let me tell you, I am so out of shape that I wondered how I would make it back up all those many stairs.
Thankfully, the power was back on by the time we were needing to come in. So...I got myself ready and we went out for the afternoon.

I must say, I could not help thinking about Amrita who has to endure power cuts as a way of life. We are so blessed here and I am thankful.

About six fifteen the power went off again for over an hour. Laying upon my bed and enjoying the scenery, lo and behold the hydro boys pull up across the street.


First they sit in their big yellow truck for a few minutes awaiting orders I imagine. Then they put their lovely bright clothes on, and sit on the chairs at the empty and defunct hospital across the street.

Then finally a little action boys... and someone designated takes the big ride. That's why they get the big pay they say. No, I don't know who 'they' are.


Notice the buddies leaning against the rail helping out so much. I was so tempted to shout out the window but restrained myself and my dignity.


All in all, everyone did a good job, and our hydro was back up and running just before it got dark outside. What an exciting Labor Day !!


Trudy said...

That is very funny Nancy. That is the government for you. Why they need all those man for one job I'll never understand.
I think in this case his buddies leaning against the rail are ready to catch the guy in the bucket!Hahaha!

Ever watched street workers? Two guys giving orders, two are watching and two doing the work.

Nancy said...

I love your perception Trudy. You are absolutely right. I have noticed that. Maybe they need witnesses if someone gets electrocuted or falls into the open sewage drain.