Thursday, September 28, 2006

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Did good on my test! Yay!
O.K. I got 97.4 % or 74 out of 76
(2 mistakes, it had to be the stress....right? yeh, right!

Another one next week!

A test every two weeks on 100 new 'elements' like
gastr- meaning stomach, and, ost- means get the idea.

Then there are the combining elements like ECG is Electo/cardio/gram.
Plus I must learn to spell these many strange words correctly.

My other class on Computer Upgrading is easier, no tests , just assignments.
Praise the Lord!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Way to go on your test!
Well done!
You're one smart cookie!
What's latin for Cookie??