Thursday, September 14, 2006

Wake Me Up

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A whisper that must become a shout from my heart. Wake me up Lord!

While listening to a set from the house of prayer today, I was gripped by the cry of the Spirit.
Wake me up ! Wake me up! I don't want a' name' that I'm alive, when I'm dead on the inside. Wake me up!

I have accused You of being silent, I have accused You of being distant, when my heart is dull. Wake me up!

Times of testing, reveal the heart. Most times, it is not a pretty sight when we are faced with Truth Himself. Thank God for His Lovingkindness.

The thing that seems to keep getting tested in me, is ,WHO IS GOD ? REALLY ?

I want to walk in the True Knowledge of God. So many times, I seem to shrink wrap Him down to a package I can handle with familiarity.

In the pursuit of intimacy with Him, I can easily fall into the trap of loosing the wonder of the fact that the CREATOR of all things WANTS to reveal Himself, and have a Real Live, relationship with me. So he tolerates my dullness for a merciful moment, all the while wooing me toward REALITY Himself.

Lord Jesus, forgive me, for I have made You too small in my own eyes. I do not want a god made after my own imagination . I want to know You , The Living God.

In as much as there is none like You O Lord, You are Great and Your Name is Great in Might
Who would not fear You , O King of the nations? For this is Your rightful due. Jer. 10:6

Wash me with the water of Your Word Jesus. The entrance of Your Word brings Light , Wonderful Light.

Let Your Kingdom break in once again , into the deep places in me that are still dull and lifeless. Wake me up!

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