Wednesday, September 13, 2006

First Evening

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Tonight was my first class on Medical Terminology. There were 27 other women in the room. We are taking a Hospital Secretary Course, and the first test is next week.

We must memorize 4 pages of abreviations.

As we were going through each one, I could feel something around me.
It didn't take me long to realize it was the collective tension of mostly mature women faced with the first test.
Mostly silent screams.....including my own.

Some things never change, so I had better get busy studying......and praying .


Joyska said...

Nancy you will do great I'm sure of it! I will be for you!

Rebecca said...

Good Luck Nancy....I hope you met some really lovely people in your class.....

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Be careful you don't end up with cranio-megalo-itis!