Saturday, June 11, 2011

A True Tale of the Wilderness


This is my dear friend Carol who lives in the Haliburton Highlands of Ontario.

Actually I consider the location of their cute little home the wilderness....bush country....well, at least a few miles outside of the little tourist town .

Anyway recently Carol shared a bit of the excitement of her life in the wild of the Old Donald Road.

It was late at night when she heard a ruckus on the deck below her bedroom patio window. Upon investigation she saw a large she yelled at him to go away.

He began to leave then changed his mind and started back to the little bird feeder he had his nose into. Carol yelled again...'where was Bud ?' I asked. Bud is her husband. I thought he has a rifle.
He has...but he has no bullets.....( much laughing happening at this point in this story )

Carol , being the brilliant thinker that she is in a crisis, grabbed her saxophone which was nearby in her room. This lady stepped out on her bedroom deck and began to play that instrument with such vigor that ol' bear took off running into the bush never to be seen again.I forgot to ask which song she used.

I really love this story....she has had other bears, moose, and other smaller critter visitors.....but now perhaps the answer is the sound of the sax resounding through the bush , kind of like Gideon.

On the other hand I hope Bud gets at least one bullet for his rifle just in case.....

Love you guys Carol and Bud and hope to see you in the fall.