Monday, February 22, 2010

One Heart at a Time


But Peniel knew what was coming. Each occasion he witnessed a miracle it was like experiencing his own all over again. Each encounter varied.
Every wound and hurt and longing was unique. And always, always, Yeshua embraced each person. He met every need as if there had never been a life so important as the one that held His gaze that very moment.

Blessed art Thou O, Lord God, King of the Universe, Who performs wondrous deeds.

First Yeshua probed the human heart. Illuminated the darkness of a soul. He found and extracted the arrow of loneliness or shame or longing that pierced the soul. That was the first miracle. Only after healing the heart did He turn His attention to healing the broken body.

One heart at a time, one life at a time.....

Sunday, February 21, 2010



Thirty two years in Heaven today.
Wonder what he's been doing all these years ?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Toronto Fun


Last weekend we traveled to Toronto to spend time with family. Part of the family is Maggie, a lovely companion and she just loves it when we visit.Zoe and Maggie are very happy together. Zoe is used to Maggie's size and doesn't mind sharing me with her for a bit.


Trying to get a family picture was a challenge but with Zoe on my tummy and Maggie by my side we figured it out, well, kind of anyway. I just love these dogs, I have to say.

Oh yes, I did enjoy the human company as well, but do these dogs know how to cuddle or what ? Makes one feel very loved.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I Love His Voice


Chapter 18.....

Why, why had Yeshua opened the ears of Peniel's soul to the whisperers ? The accusations of the unseen enemy had trampled the newborn truth in the meadow before it drew a single breath !

Peniel fled to the apple orchard, He closed his eyes in misery and leaned back against the trunk of a tree. Clamping palms over his ears, he tried to shut out the memory of the voices he had heard.

But he could not shut out the despair that overwhelmed him.

Why Lord ? Peniel wept quietly as he prayed. 'Why should I hear such things ? I was happy here with you. Thought you were making a difference. Thought maybe I could make a difference too. Teach somebody something like you do. Tell somebody you love them.But no. No! They won't listen ! How can they hear you with that going on in their heads ?

Exhausted, Peniel finally fell asleep.

Peniel knew no one had heard Yeshua. No one in that vast assembly had listened...really a promise from heaven that could revolutionize their life forever.

How could Yeshua compete against those hideous whispers ?

Yeshua was watching Peniel from a distance. He seemed unperturbed by what had happened earlier that day.'How long have you been there Lord ?'

'Long enough,' Yeshua said kindly.

'You might as well come sit down then Lord. If you heard what I heard today rattling in the air you must be very tired'.
Yeshua joined him , leaning against the tree. 'Peniel, why did you run away ?'

Peniel bit his lip. 'The voices.'

Yes, I hear them all the time. They are always working against us. They are the enemy.

'I'll be honest. It was a dirty trick, you opening my ears and letting my illusions be smashed like that.'
'I thought you should know what you'll be up against if you're going to follow me. Discouragement is the Evil One's best weapon against those who do the work of my Father.'

'Well spoken. Point taken. I'll tell you what I think. I think the people might as well have stayed home. And you might have saved your breath for all the difference it's made. .......I heard the voices plain as anything.
All of them arguing with you . Arguing about you. Calling you a liar.'

'That's the nature of the enemy' Yeshua said. His voice was calm. 'He lies.'

'He's strong. Too strong for me.' Peniel shuddered.

'Did you notice the silence when I spoke the Truth?'

'I was happier before I knew Lord. Every human being in that field today was listening to some other ...thing...talking...talking...talking, while you taught.

'There are some who fight self delusion, Yeshua answered. Some who fight the numbing grip of daily life.
Truth. A handful in a thousand cling to it like a raft on a stormy sea.
But it's beginning. We're gaining a foothold here on earth. Yes, It's beginning.

Today, there was a man near the back. I saw him come late. After everyone was already seated. He needed real hope today. And he drank The Word down like cool water. He chose to believe me.'

'Chose ? Can a person choose to believe ?' 'Of course Peniel. It's the only way your faith can grow. You choose to trust that I cannot lie. You act on the word I have spoken. Then you discover that what I told you really is the Truth.'


So, I have discovered another great series by my all time favorite authors Bodie and Brock Thoene. 'A.D. Chronicles.'

Way better for me than zoning out watching my tv at bedtime . I am blessed. There are a total of eleven books in this series. They are biblical fiction, and present a very accurate picture of the world in the days when Jesus walked the earth.

Sometimes the brutality of those days shock me and I wonder at the 'fullness of time' when God sent His son to earth to fulfill all prophecy and die on a Roman cross.
These books are full of scripture, and how all scripture speaks of Jesus. Rich very rich indeed and a timely discovery for me.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Elevator Encounter


Time. Time is ticking by.
I can feel an explosion inside.
People get ready.
(lyrics by Misty Edwards)

Last night. Nine thirty or so. Time to walk Zoe .

As we wait for the elevator, the door opens and a Lady who was my neighbor downstairs steps off. She is pale and rather shaky.

I had missed her presence around the building, since she is on the housekeeping staff and loves Zoe. I had heard she was not well...speculations abounded.

This lady invited us to come and visit a while. She is now staying with her eighty eight year old mother who lives on our floor.

'I have five brain tumors. Cancer.'

Shock registers on my face. So we talk.
She has known for three weeks and has begun radiation therapy.
She has also had to 'get her house in order' and has been driving herself to accomplish this in the midst of her symptoms.

She says she is fine. Ready to die. She must be finished what she was put here to do....right god ?

During our conversation, mostly listening on my part, my friend is chain smoking, cursing a little, but she is fine...not afraid, at peace actually.
Was I familiar with a certain psychic ? No, I wasn't.

So you have some kind of faith I ask ? Oh yes ! I'm fine, really, it's ok.

'I will pray for you my Lady .'

Thanks Nancy, but I'm ready, actually looking forward to it. I'm at peace. Haven't even cried. She is 57.

Meanwhile I am already standing with Jesus asking Him. Ok, now how are You going to do this, and once the shock wears off of me please Holy Spirit kick me into high gear prayer.

We know she is not 'ready' to stand before her Creator. The spirit of the age has spread it's veil over her .

So where else to go but to the Mercy Seat where we all stand on level ground . Please pray for this Lady, that Jesus will come to her in the midst of the symptoms of her illness and show her He is absolutely Real. Absolutely Alive, and Absolutely her loving Savior.

That when she takes her final breath she is Safely Home. That when she really 'wakes up' for real, she is smiling at her welcome into the Arms of Eternity.

Please Jesus, teach me how to pray. 'For the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us, with groans that words cannot express.' Romans 8/26

Friday, February 05, 2010

Long Ago


Once upon a time, a very long time ago, an old southern gentleman came to our town to promote his 'down home recipe' of some fried chicken.
There was a chap in town, name of Dave Foster, who opened a restaurant that served this old gentleman's chicken exclusively.

My father was in radio at CHEX and was involved in promoting new sponsors.

In this picture is my father and Colonel Harlen Sanders , of the 'original recipe'fame. I seem to remember being present in the restaurant and feasting on the product.

From that time on our family always had free KFC and we all still love it to this day, though I think it somehow tasted better way back then. Check out the jacket my father is lapels...I will have to check on the year this was taken and the fashion styles....oh my !

Monday, February 01, 2010

Behold !


I looked ....
There before me ...... A Door
I heard ....The Voice

Photo courtesy of my friend Dennis.