Sunday, June 01, 2008

Nana's 100th. Birthday!

On Monday June 2nd. Nana is officially 100 years old. She is an Amazing Lady and the family had a small party for her at the hospital yesterday. I was happy to be included in this little event to honor her.


Nana has two sons, Gary seen here with his wife Faye and Wayne the younger talking to mom. In her early years Hilda was a teacher. She spent time with me teaching me how to knit and 'tat', the later which I wasn't very successful at. She also was the lady who started me on my love for house plants and always brought me a 'slip' of something she was growing. Oh yes, and my favorite recipe was the recipe for Strawberry freezer jam, which started me on a life long love for this very sweet treat.




Wayne and his mom.


Grandson Jason having a private word.



Her children arise and call her blessed.


Jeanette said...

Nancy, this brings tears to my eyes! How beautiful this lady is! I pray that someday my children and their children will rise up and call me blessed! That is the highest honor of all!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Hi Nancy!
So nice to get a little glimpse into your celebrations! You have spoken highly of Nana several times! 100 years is a MIGHTY long time!

Amrita said...

What a wonderfullady nana is.Her family and friends will remember her so fondly.

100 years a blessing from the Lord.

You look lovely in the photo

Anonymous said...

Wow! Amazing! Everyone looks
Luv Diane