Sunday, October 22, 2006

School Days

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Recently, we had a visitor to our Wednesday evening class. No, not the Doc, but his friend.
As part of our course, naturally, we are learning about the human frame. If this season of learning has no other purpose, but to let my heart stand in wonder at the awesome mystery of God it is worth all the effort.

We really are fearfully and wonderfully made ! I do not understand how scientific men can study these things, and still, some deny a Sovereign Loving Creator.

I am enjoying this new experience very much. I wish I had been able to accomplish this with excellence when I was young. How my life would have been different and perhaps so much more fruitful and even happy.

The course I am currently taking is one that will enable me to work in a hospital setting, or maybe a doctor's office or something along those lines. We will see.
So, I decided to take the OHIP Billing course. That is the manner of billing that doc's use to get paid from the Ontario Government.

I did this last weekend, in an intense twelve hour course . All I can say is OUCH!

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By the end of the weekend, it felt like my brain was oozing out of my ears, and all my insecurities were screaming at me of my dullness and stupidity.

O.K. so I haven't experienced a lot of affirmation in my lifetime, that is obvious, but I press on.
To get the certificate of completion , I have a six page take home exam to mail in and wait for the results. I just completed it today.
Now I find myself sitting here in a swirl of mental exhaustion once again stunned by the fact that I am even doing any of this at my age.

I wonder why ? What if , when I am all finished my new education, there are no jobs out there, anywhere, not even in my beloved K.C.? Ack !

I much prefer the eternal perspective on things, since the truth is that tonight once again I am feeling like a stranger and alien on this earth.

All I really want is God, and all things pertaining to God, with no distractions, like having to make a living. Trying to survive in the midst of all the confusion and human frailty, especially my own.

I wonder what He is morphing me into ? Am I on some wild adventure that never seems to end ? Are we having fun yet ? Nope! I am glad He loves me no matter what, and that He never leaves me. Thanks Lord. You are Amazing and I trust You.


Anonymous said...

Hi Nancy
Know how you feel - an alien on this earth. All I want is God!
Touched the presence at a Youth Conference today and made me very homesick. I do believe I am a different sort, ha!
Luv ya

Anonymous said...

So we're not havin' fun yet, eh?
Oh, that got me chuckling!

I remember my dates with Mr. Clatterbones -- he "hung around" with us too, complete with wheels on his stand. I used to go visit him in the classroom at lunch hour when everyone else took off to sun themselves in the park. Not only did I study his little frame but I also waltzed with him around the room -- truly a fun thing to do! It'll put a flush in yer cheeks!

Laughin' right out loud! Thanks for the chuckle this morning!

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Well this is truly amazing --
Your blog converted my comment to "anonymous"! It's me! It's me! Hi Nancy! Hi Sam!

Nancy said...

Hi Carol Ann ! Hi Diane !!!Blessing you today!