Thursday, October 26, 2006

This afternoon while studying I learned two new words.

basilysis - the crushing of the base of the fetal head to facilitate delivery
basiotripsy - the crushing of the fetal head to facilitate delivery.

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Today is abortion day at the hospital here in town. Oh God ! Forgive us !

These children need You as their Judge. Come Lord Jesus! Is. 63.

Now I feel I must clarify this for Rebecca. These babies need Jesus to come and bring His Justice to bear on their behalf. This world is in need of Soveriegn Intervention. Abortion is only one of the many symptoms of our overall state.

I found out that the doctor who was doing the abortions here, had an accident last year, and lost one of his eyes as the result of getting hit by a golf ball. Then after he had recovered , continued his practice. Now he has a hole in the retina of his other eye, and cannot now do these procedures.
So for now, and hopefully for a long time, these procedures are not being done here. Perhaps a few little lives will be given a second chance to live. I hope so.
And maybe, the Lord will reach down and touch this man as well. It has happened before. Mercy Lord.


Rebecca said...

I think the children need Jesus as their Saviour!!

Rebecca said...

Ah, there you go Nancy, that is easier for me to hear!!!! Love You!

Erica said...

That is such a hard topic to even think about.

Makes me very sad.

Anonymous said...

That reminds me of Jesus, who said if your eye causes you to sin...