Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Most people who know me know that I am not a 'cat person' though I make exceptions for my sisters , especially Big (the main man), Gabe , Cloud and Ashes.

I LOVE DOGS ! Especially little Shih-Zhu's .

Anyway, last week as I waited for a very long time once again at the vet's , a fellow came in with his big orange cat to get it's shots.

Well !!! let me tell you the pictures below do not due justice to the commotion that went on behind the closed door of the little examining room.

First of all there was a very loud YOWL!!!Then some crashing noises , voices in distress and a lot more Yowling.

Suddenly the owner comes rushing out holding his bleeding arm, looking frantically about ....
Then out runs the vet himself...don't know what he was looking frantically for.

Then along comes a young lady assistant with the big Cat Gloves on.
You should never try to give a needle to a cat without the Big Cat Gloves!

More crashing about.... they could not catch this poor terrified beast.



At the same time, a lady brought in her litter of puppies,(very smelly indeed).

Then there was the poor old Jack Russell who had been attacked by a German Shepherd. Riley was limping and bleeding and shaking....and his owner was complaining that the owner of the attacking dog would be paying the bill. Yea right !

The owner of Tuffy the other Jack Russell I mentioned in a previous post, was there again, and looked very distressed as the Vet. Secretary told him they would need another 500.00 just to keep treating poor Tuffy for his kidney problems.

It seems to me that becoming a vet would be a very lucrative business in these days, when we pet lovers will go to great lengths to maintain the health and well being of our beloved pets.

I think the Lord wouldn't mind if we prayed for healing first .... Zoey needs eye surgery to correct something called Entropion of the eyelid .

Entropion is inward turning of the lower eyelid, resulting in the eyelashes directing towards the surface of the eye, causing discomfort. The skin of the eyelid and the eyelashes may rub against the cornea (front part of the eye) and the conjunctiva (the white mucous membrane that protects the surface of the eye). Rubbing of the eyelid skin and lashes against the eye can result in excess tearing, crusting of the eyelid, mucous discharge, foreign body sensation, irritation of the cornea and impaired vision from keratitis.

It seems very necessary, so I just may have to get myself another job to pay these vet bills. Lord have mercy !


Rebecca said...

Good Lord.....those are very funny cat pics......I am not a cat person either, in fact I cannot go to my own sons house without taking medication to survive the ordeal...and then if there were diseases to deal with as well....goodness!!

Rebecca said...
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