Thursday, May 14, 2009

Oh Oh !

For anyone who was ever a fan of All Creatures Great and Small, either the book or the T.V. Series, you will remember fondly Tricky Woo, the little Pekingese,who occasionally suffered from the ailment called 'Flop Bot'.

"Oh Mr. Harriett , Tricky's gone 'Flop Bot' again."

Photobucket Photobucket

Well , sad to say, it seems that Zoe may have the same ailment. Not a serious thing, and may mean a slightly unpleasant trip to the vet if it continues. She walks a few steps and sits her bottom down or very nearly walks sideways with her bottom seeming to sway dangerously toward her front all on its own. She sits there and looks up at me as if trying to understand what the heck is happening.

Ah! The life of a dog eh ?


Amrita said...

My Sheeba also does this occasionally. Wonder what sets it off?

Nancy said...

Turns out her anal glands were infected and she is on anitbiotics now.. poor little girl was very good as she was examined and probed. Most dogs are able to express their glands when they 'go', but sometimes this breed needs help.

Carol-Ann Allen said...

I thought that usually happened with male dogs! wow! we better watch Mini carefully!

Nancy said...

Actually Carol-Ann, I never had any trouble with Sam, ever, but the one before him Sebi was always needing attention that way. I am hoping this is just a one time thing with Zoe. You would notice her behavior if she was getting a problem. Usually they 'scoot' dragging their little bummy across the floor, but all Zoe did was continue to sit down since she was in pain from the infection. Poor baby :(