Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Good the Bad and the Ugly

I will save the good until the end.

This past weekend I was working with my Senior Lady, getting her ready for bed and all that goes along with that task. My lady uses a walker to get around, and I follow closely behind or beside to guide and protect her.

So, Sunday evening while heading from the commode to the bed, a distance of perhaps two to three feet, she starts to loose her balance and tumble backwards. I am there , trying to catch her, or break her fall. She is a dead weight heading for the carpet, not actually dead`of course, but really heavy.
The next thing I know we are both on the floor in a pathetic kind of heap. I am worried whether she has injured herself,so naturally I check her out.

She is fine ...amazing ...this has happened to me twice now with this Lady. The thing is there is a dreadful pain in my own foot, and I remember that as I was leaping to save her, my foot collided with the metal of the sturdy commode, knocking it over and causing the severe pain I am now experiencing, but cannot acknowledge, due to the fact that I am busy with My Lady.
Thank the Lord, He gives His angels charge over us, for I need all the help I can get!I call her husband to come and help me get her to her feet and together we succeed at rescuing the dear Lady from the floor.

Later I limp off to bed to ask the Lord ...Why am I here again ?????

See Nancy's sore foot that causes her to limp like Jacob did.

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My poor foot....not pretty I know.... No, I did not get it checked, and yes it may have a little fracture in the metatarsal bone along the outside. See, at least I know the anatomy of my foot. These classes are really paying off. Just to prove it see below.

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Seriously Lord .....what the heck am I doing ?


Carol-Ann Allen said...

Oh Nancy, you rascal! The first rule of injuries at the place of work is to document it and see a physician! You never know what kind of compensation you may need down the road! What a pretty foot -- I guess bloggin' with pictures is a type of documentation! How it would stand up with an insurance claim is uncertain, though!

Great marks! WOW! YES!

Rebecca said...

Nancy Nancy

get that bone checked out.....My foot is still hurting, one and a half years after breaking those meta bones and they were fixed go to the Doc......I agree with Carol-Ann....but I am also laughing at this picture in my head of you and the large lady lying in a heap on the floor!

Rebecca said...

Oh yes, and congrats on the fantastic grades!!!

Nancy said...

Thank you Carol-Ann and Rebecca. I am going to the Doc's on Monday and having it x-rayed.
Meanwhile I will hobble onward.