Monday, September 17, 2007

The last week or so I have noticed subtle changes happening with my clients at work. I know the Lord has me there for a reason, though exactly what that reason is eludes me, except to enable Him to work His character into me.

Naturally I pray a lot while there, for my couple, and for the Presence of Lord to rest upon us . I do not know the spiritual situation of my people there, though they have always attended a church.

At this stage of their life, both with dementia and profound dementia, much of the time they are like children in really old bodies.....and I mean that in a kind way. Actually they are in amazing physical condition for their ages...92 and 90.

When I first started there, at meal time M. would say the blessing and then the two of them would sing a little 'grace'.It goes like this.

"For health and strength and daily food we praise Thy Name O Lord."

As time has passed I have noticed some meal times pass with the traditional blessing being forgotten.....with the exception of supper when I join them for the meal.
Anyway, it seems that they just forget to say it....and I am the only one who has noticed.

Last night I put a tape in the video player of a special 'Precious Memories' with the folks from the old Lawrence Welk show. Mostly hymns....and from time to time the Presence of the Lord was tangible to me.

B. sang along to a few of the songs, it was so cute. A good night and a nice note to tuck them into their beds on.

At about 6:15 this morning I was called to help my lady to the commode, and later we all went back to bed for another hour or so. I have a monitor in my room so that I can quickly get to them if I am needed, and I sometimes hear little things ,intimate things that are spoken between them.

B. said " I feel so discouraged, I am so helpless and can do so little for myself". M. surprised me with his gentle response.
'Just be thankful that we get such good care and don't think about those things.'
B. did not want to let it go, and this is so unusual for her. She is normally the one who is so 'up'. I have never heard her complain or voice any discouragement.

Then M. began to sing this little song.

"For health and strength and daily food we praise Thy Name O Lord."

Several times he repeated this until B. began to sing with him. In a few minutes all was quiet and rest came to both of these children of the Lord. I smiled to Jesus and said thank you for the glimpse , I guess you really are taking care of everything.

1 comment:

Amrita said...

so sweet really.You are a great blessing to these people Nancy