Thursday, March 22, 2007

Storm Approaching

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Recently, while tuned in to the Prayer Room, I heard a few phrases from the worship that stirred my heart to listen more closely. There are times in the midst of the daily grind with all its distractions and demands, I can loose my focus.

The raging winds that assault my life at times get blamed on God, thinking that His testing will never end, when really it is the enemy of my soul taunting my faith.

There's a Storm comin' My heart needs God!
There's a Storm on the horizon, It's not going away.
There's God on the horizon. He's not goin' away!

The Season is changing.

The Lord shares His secrets with His friends.

Then the the other day, I opened my bible to Isaiah 32.

Behold , a King.....

A Man will be as a Hiding Place from the wind, and a cover from the tempest

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I am so grateful for the Living Word of God. Jesus. My Hiding Place. He is Real. That's the Truth. I believe Him.

Shadows gather around me these days. Sam's decline and eventual passing. Waiting for the Lord to provide and make a way in the fullness of His Will for my life. The taunting voice of the enemy that mocks and presses unbelief upon me to the point of despair.

Many times I feel forgotten by God. Perhaps some have known these feelings. Joseph in the dungeon, David, Jesus from the cross.

Psalm 42:3 My tears have been my food day and night, while 'they' continually say to me, Where is your God?

Sometimes we need discernment as to who is really asking us to drink the cup that hovers before our eyes.

Then the Lightning flashes to reveal the lies, and here and there I hear the Voice of a Friend from afar, shoot arrows of Truth and encouragement into my grieving soul.

Lord, thank you for the Words of Life You have written through Your Spirit and breathed into my heart in the midst of the storms of life.

I believe there really is a God Storm coming, and all the tensions I endure will enable me to stand firm and unoffended in that day. I find myself in the Man who is my Hiding Place.

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