Sunday, December 30, 2007

Thank You So Much


I spent Christmas with Jon and Katherine at her parents home with the rest of the family , Mike, Ann, Karen, Loic,and his brother Yann(can't remember how to spell his name), not to mention pets Maggie and Oliver.
Oliver was fully recovered from his over indulgence, and subsequent treatment of a four pound box of dark chocolate a day earlier. Oliver will eat anything including panti hose and j clothes. He seen here protecting a tin of cookies hoping they are for him.


Later I was pleased to visit old friends the Allen Family. Kinza was faithfully practicing her latest piece on her brand new violin.


Carol-Ann thank you for your loving hospitality,and letting me play with Mini to distraction.


This little girl with her bear would make my Sam proud as she carries on the Mr.(Ms.?) Bear tradition. The similarities are amazing.


I gotta get me one of these little darlings!

1 comment:

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Hi Nancy!
It's always interesting to see snippets of your visits to our house!

Mademoiselle Mini just had one of her winter baths -- came in from prancing in the snow with ice balls frozen to her belly hair! The only way to get them off is through a bath!

Mini knows those who like her! It was too funny how she followed you EVERYWHERE -- even into the bathroom! She truly pined a bit when you left! Took a green bone and some tummy tickles to get her happy again!