Thursday, December 13, 2007


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The boy child would be 9 years old in the morning. This child of sadness found himself in the midst of a house filled with shadows belonging to others he was supposed to trust. He could not as yet understand his world or even wonder at the why.

December 13th. 9 pm. Bedtime in his home.

He came softly to the living room, though no such thing as real living was ever allowed to show itself . He came to his young mother to say his goodnight.

Suddenly, this boy child dropped to his knees in an attitude of worship, covering his eyes from the brightness he alone was beholding. The mother watched, her heart pounding with a different kind of fear and trembling at her own awareness of the Presence of the Supernatural all around.

She too found her knees as did a little sister.

This mother saw nothing with her natural eyes but her recently awakened spirit was filled with awe and wonder.

Afterwards the child told his story through tears."I saw the stable ! I saw the baby Jesus , the wise men and the Angel."

Even as he recounted his vision, this mother recognized truth as it was written upon her heart. Jesus had visited . He had found us in the night in the lonely frozen wilderness of Winnipeg.

This is a true story and even as I write this , the remembering is strong upon me. This event took place 33 years ago tonight. Tomorrow the boy who is a man, has a birthday.

His path has led him far from his mother and she wonders every year on this day if he will ever remember that night so long ago.

For now, she continues to hold this child of her youth in her heart and before the Lord , loving him from a distance, praying for restoration asking Jesus to visit the boy, now a man. Perhaps this year he will remember.

1 comment:

Amrita said...

Beautiful story Nancy. Max Lucado is also telling the Christmas story in his daily devotional