Monday, August 31, 2009


As the temperature starts to dip at night to four degrees, you know it's time to head to the storage cupboard and do the dreaded deed.
For me this just means once again sorting through my big rubbermaid bins and rediscovering clothes for the fall and winter.
Every year, I seem to keep some things 'just in case', and 'you never know' and 'maybe that will fit me next year' so I had better hang on to it because you never know.

There have been seasons in my life where downsizing has not been a problem, so I give away stuff liberally. Then I go browsing to Value Village or the Salavation Army Thrift store and suddenly it seems, my bins are overflowing again.
One time .....I actually bought a pair of sweat pants and when I got them home, thought they looked very familiar. Yep.... I had bought back the same ones I had donated ...I was so embarrassed. They are now re-donated .

Anyway, the whole point of this story is that now I have one totally empty bin left over and a very large pile of laundry to do, since those plastic bins leave the clothes smelling very unpleasant.


The challenge in the apartment I am in now is that I am paying my own hydro and heat, whereas previously it was included in my rent so I was very free in my usage.

Now I am agreeable to turning lights off,( my mother must be smiling in heaven) buying those special energy saving bulbs , using night lights (for ambiance of course, and so that Zoey and I don't bump the furniture in the dark .Ha !)

With the change of seasons will see how long I can go before having to turn on my heat. I remember one of my sons and his room mates could make it all the way to November in Ottawa, and even then I'm sure they froze though they would not likely admit it.

As the season changes here in Southern Ontario I am most looking forward to the glory of the leaves as they display their brilliance, and that particular fragrance they emit in their lovely.

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