Saturday, March 25, 2006

Thank You Jesus

This has been a great week for giving thanks. Thanksgiving and gratitude for the Loving Faithfulness of my God and Friend Jesus.

He has walked by my side through good times and bad. Through the valley of the shadow of death, literally, and figuratively. Most significantly the direction has been 'through', not around, but through, from one side to the other.

There were times in my life when I used to flee from the pain of the testing and difficulty. He has taught me the best way is holding tightly to Him, through the fires of testing and tribulation, where He has walked before me.

I love the Cross! That wonderful, dreadful place where Jesus meets me. It is here and here alone, I find the place of my transformation and deliverance. Welcomed into His loving embrace, He takes me into Himself, and calls me His Bride.

Thank you Father, for the wonder of such amazing Grace and Provision.

My week at work is a continuing place of being prepared and instructed, in both my heart and spirit. Yesterday, the Lord gave me a particular spiritual encounter, with the 'other' side of the spirit realm.
It was like the veil was lifted for a split second, and He showed me a particular reality concerning one of those I serve.
This has resulted in a call to particular prayer for this dear one of His.

On a lighter note, I had a call from one of my dear sons, Jack.

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Meet Jack.

Then he was four. Now he is a man. We don't get to visit much, and when we do, it seems there are always many factors that prevent real communication.

Jack called me the other evening, and we talked for two hours. We had a great 'visit'! Thank You Father! He is so fun and interesting to talk with. A great blessing to be sure.

Most of all my thanksgiving overflows for the Live Prayer Room webstream, from IHOP, where I can slip into the place of Worship after an exhausting day of physical labor.


In this place of intimacy, meet with my Beloved, and let Him wash me, love me, and renew my heart, soul and spirit. I am so grateful Jesus for Your Faithfulness and Lovingkindness. I love You.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can I consult you for something? I am afraid I lost my belief in Jesus when my cross was stolen from around my neck by an older guy wielding a compass as a weapon. I can't seem to "get the feeling" that Jesus loves me anymore. I feel betrayed. You? you are a worshipper of Jesus! Can you help me?