Tuesday, June 27, 2006


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The Lord has placed me in a home to help care for a senior couple. Mr. is 90 and My Lady is 89 years old. This is a totally different world. Mr. is suffering from Alzheimer's , but he is still able to function in his home. My Lady, has dementia , and uses a walker since breaking her hip last year.

These are a most amazing couple. They have been married 65 years in July, and are still so much in love.

My job has been working from 9pm. to 9am. That means I sleep there, in a room upstairs. There is a monitor that I must keep on in order to listen during the night if my Lady needs to get up. Sometimes, her husband forgets she needs help, and that is when she is at risk of falling.

I wash her and get her ready for bed, then she goes to the couch where she sits holding hands with Mr. and watching t.v. until bedtime. They have been doing this for years. When the time comes for bed, I tuck her in and Mr. gets himself ready. They both have a lovely and spirited sense of humor.

My favorite part of all of this has become their foot care. I love putting the lotion and creams on their feet. Isn't Jesus amazing ? I imagine how a soul can be touched when someone performs this act of care, without guile. I love it!

Jesus has ministered to me in this way many times by His Spirit. I weep with awe, as He gazes into my weary soul, kneels at my bruised and broken feet, washing and kissing me with His touch of loving understanding and compassion. Directing my feet into the less travelled paths, He touchs the forgotten ones, and the ones who have forgotten.

Hope rises in my heart, when I listen in the night. I am in a place of intimacy, as I am priviledged to hear these dear ones whisper rather loudly, (since they are hearing impared, and I have the monitor) their loving 'goodnight kisses.' Even in the state of forgetting, some things , for now, still remain very sure. I am so very blessed Lord.

Mr. will declare every morning at breakfast, "the best thing that ever happened to me is sitting in this kitchen". My Lady giggles like a girl, and returns the sentiment.

There are sad moments to be sure, when Mr. wearily complains how he cannot remember his way around his own house anymore. My heart breaks at his 'troubling'. I wonder silently to God.

The other night, My Lady lovingly declared to Mr. 'we have had an amazingly wonderful life.' his response was, 'Had ? We are in the midst of it!'

It really is another world, and puts this short time here on this planet, in the eternal perspective. Thank You Jesus for this place of priviledge. I love You!


Joyska said...

truly blessed Nancy... the Lord's heart live in you for sure. Blessings on you as you minister HIS heart

Rebecca said...

Amazing Post Nancy....I can do feet as well - plus the rest of the body!!!!! And you welcome to do mine at this point - anytime!!!

Anonymous said...

Nancy, you are a terrific teacher. Thank you!

Mandy said...

very touching.