Monday, June 19, 2006

401 Mercies Lord Please

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Tomorrow, Sam and I are off to Toronto for visiting fun with Carol-Ann and family, and some long over due time with my other son and his beautiful lady.

It has been a year since I drove the 401 to Toronto, and I am downloading courage even at this moment. Lord have mercy! I think it's worse than all my trips put together, but I have a feeling I'd better get used to it.

So off we go......


Joyska said...

hey nancy... i was wondering how you were doing! Praying for you as you tackle the many laned craziness of the 401... "jesus, take the wheel!"

Carol-Ann Allen said...

Nancy made it here just fine! Whatta trooper! She and Sam both look great except poor Sammy has a real hacky-wheezy sound!