Wednesday, July 19, 2006

On the Farm

Who would have thought it possible ? Certainly not me !

I am currently sitting here in the country, minding the farm . My brother Rob and sister in law Judy's little farm just outside Peterborough. It is lovely and peaceful here .

I spent the morning sitting on the deck having my coffee, basking in the sunshine. Around 10 am. I did my 'chores'.

The non human occupants of this place include 2 horses, 2 donkeys, 4 dogs, 5 cats, 3 ginnea pigs, 1 tree frog, 1 white african frog, 1 tetra fighting fish, and to my great dismay, many little flying gnats/fruit flies, and various other species of bugs.(ackkkkkk!!!!)

The 4 dogs are boarded out, as are 2 of the diabetic cats. In their place there is Sam, who is a city dog, loving the many wild and exotic scents of country life.

As I am writing this he has been sitting beside me growling softly at the white african frog, since the 2 remaining cats have wisely chosen to make themselves scarce.

My chores..... feed the horses, and donkeys the hay left by the fence, and make sure the water barrel is full. Feed and water the rest of the menagerie, (I will not feed live crickets to mr. tree frog thank you very much !) I actually enjoyed this little routine, and thought hey! I can do this Lord .....ha ha! !

I have to wonder at the imagination of God in His planning of these days of my life. Did I mention that 'my' idea of His plan for my life is very different than what I am actually living ? No matter! I am learning to 'think outside of the box'.

I would love to sit out on the deck in the night and gaze up at the brilliant star studded sky thinking wondrous thoughts of God . But...... God also created ravenous mosquitoes hungry for my blood . (At least I am told it was God, though I have my own theory on that topic.) So here I sit blogging instead.

All in all, I am enjoying this little respite from the ordinary topsey turvey instability of my life in the city. God bless us everyone ! Pictures to follow later.


Anonymous said...

Ha! Nancy! What a hoot! My oh my! Good thing for Sir Sam that the dogs were boarded out!

'Fraid I'm a city girl all the way now! I couldn't do that! Nope! Just couldn't! But I sure do cackle readin' about YOU doin' it!

Yvonne Parks said...

Sounds WONDERFUL!!!!

Rebecca said...

I have a picture of you sitting on the porch dressed in white overalls and a denim blue shirt...with straw hat to match!!! Sounds fantastic.....but you didn't mention having to muck out the horses...or do they live always outdoors???

Nancy said...

Yes Rebecca these live out doors , at least while I am here. There is a stairway down into the bowels of the barn where they go at night or when it's hot etc. but I told Robert ''I am NOT going down there Robert ' too many unknown factors for this city girl.
Carol-Ann, when we drove up the lane, we were surrounded by all the dogs, Sam went so nuts, I thought he would have a stroke !These dogs are very harmless, but that does not matter to Sam as we well know.
Yvonne....miss you all terribly, and I am looking forward to seeing you in T.O. soon.

Anonymous said...

Sounds refreshing.
This city girl loves the country.
Who would have thought.
Miss you