Wednesday, July 05, 2006

So True!

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Gettin' Old Ain't for Sissies!

Sam and I spent a very enjoyable weekend in Trenton with our good friend Lillian. This comment, 'getting old ain't for sissies' came up in our conversation, and struck a cord deep within me.

When we are young, we strutt about in our own strength and arrogance, human pride basking in it's own glory and self sufficiency .
We push God away, either by denying His existence completely, or telling Him, 'later God, I am so very busy right now . Besides, I'm a good person, right ?'

Now, I realize this may sound a bit exteme, but I guess I am being more and more affected by the people I am becoming involved with in my journey.
I am witness to dear souls in deep need of love and companionship in their later years, not to mention their very intimate personal needs .

Will this be the place of my end Lord ? Will I be in need of someone helping me use the bathroom ? Pulling up my underwear ? Giving me a bath ? Cleaning my teeth and combing my hair ? Helping me into my bed ? Staying with me through the long lonely nights ? Keeping fear far from me ?

Will I have Someone to read to me when my sight is gone ? Will there be a Friend to walk with me, when I can no longer walk myself, and to walk the path towards eternity with me ? Will I have a Friend to bless me and pray with me when I have forgotten You Jesus ? Will anyone care about me then Lord ?

So true.....gettin' old ain't for sissies Jesus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Real questions, for sure Nancy! Ever read the biography Carol Wimber wrote on John's life? In those closing years, after the chemo for his cancer, John lost his salivary glands. He actually had cans of 'artificial spit' that he used to keep his mouth moist and usuable. Life in this fallen world, with its decay and brokenness, requires hearts that are anchored in God's word and goodness if we are to make it through the 'valley of Baca' with the ability to move forward and give and receive love...