Monday, November 06, 2006


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Yep....cracked the bone a mighty good one,in the middle of the 5th. metatarsal.
Not the toes (phalanges) but the meta along the outside of the foot.

(Sure is weird lookin' at your own bones on those x-rays.)

Whatever !!! I will hobble on, as there is not too much I can do but try to keep it elevated and not use it too much . Ha ha ! Like that will happen!


Carol-Ann Allen said...

Oh my! Kinza and I are groaning in sympathy! Can you hear us?! Yup! nothin' you can do about that, is there! But at least it is documented in the doctor's office -- you just never know when "small" things (not that this is small!) become big things and you need that record!

Rebecca said...

that means a change is coming in your step.....

Nancy said...

Thanks Ladies, I appreciate your thoughts and concern . Good friends are a Rare Gift , and I am happy to have you both.

Anonymous said...

Ouch Nancy!
I'm feeling for you!
God, heal my friend quickly and take her pain away. Let her get on with the next phase of her life.
May she walk with her King.

Trudy said...

I am so sorry to hear you hurt your feet. Oh my goodness, that must be difficult to do your work.

Love Trudy