Saturday, June 16, 2007

For joann

Anyone who knows me will know that I must clarify something for joann in Holland. In my previous post, the picture of the gentleman with my dog Sam is not my husband.

My main work for now is CareGiving, and the gentleman 'M' and his wife are my clients. He is a lovely person , 93 years old, and suffers from Alzheimer's disease. His wife (90) of nearly 66 years also has a different type of dementia.

I spend four nights a week taking care of them , sleeping ??? in their home, sometimes, cooking meals and cleaning etc. I get to do for them the things they can no longer do for themselves.

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My little dog Sam has become very therapeutic for M, and I am blessed to be able to take him with me especially since he is so sick.(my dog that is)

I am as well the single parent of Jason. I love Yvonne and there are no words to describe my love for Anneka and Aila. I know Trudy and Ted will really miss them, for I also have lived far from them for a few years now and have wept many a day in lonliness for them. Now I will be able to drive a few hours and visit them more often once they move to Ottawa.

Rebecca is also my friend and I have been keeping track of the adventures of you and Trudy as well.

So ... there you go joann, a little information to keep you current . Thank you for commenting on my blog. Bless you and your family.


Bev said...

I'm enjoying Winnipeg. Time for a break!!

Amrita said...

I am so impressed. I really vibe with caregivers because I 'm one and aunt & its not easy. My 84 yr old aunt is getting senile and suffers from dementia, its difficult at times. Our dog Sheba is also like a therapy dog for her.But aunt Sybil has a sweet nature so its not that bad really.

Nancy said...

Yes Amrita, my people as well are very sweet, and I am blessed to be able to care for them as they wait for God.