Friday, March 21, 2008

Good Friday

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This is a bit of a gruesome picture, but I want to remember the significance of the battle that rages around us , and the ultimate Truth of the Victory.

In a previous post by John Paul Jackson, the point that the Lord brought home to me was the statement that, ''they have not come against you, they have come against Me. I will deal with it.'' And He did.

I am thankful for the reminder that it is not always me (though sometimes it is) who has messed up, or missed God.
There are other unseen forces always working trying to cause us to stumble trying to cause us to doubt the Word of God Himself and to accuse Him of all manner of things.

Having difficulty seeing the path and even remembering the promise in the first place .
Fear hinders my steps accusing God of His ability to provide and myself to hear and obey .

The Truth is He never leaves me and it is only the voice of my own pain that sometimes deafens me to His Voice .

I wonder at the mystery how sometimes God seems silent but really He is shouting in our ears .


1 comment:

Amrita said...

Very vivid picture of what Jesus went thru for our atonement.

Glad you are having such a good time with your little gals.

Happy easter