Friday, March 14, 2008

Making Memories


The snowbanks here are amazing and remind me of early years in Winnipeg. The street is like a back lane that needs plowing. The neighbors are very patient and courteous when trying to manouver through the white trail.


Aila loves cars, and very proudly displayed her treasures to Grammma.

Anneka loves her little pets.



One of the traditions is McDonalds of course ! Yesterday we chose the one in Walmart. Another long time favorite outing.

Taking time to play is important to the girls.
(Mommy is always telling us to hurry .)


Anneka chose 'Baby Alive' a little doll that can drink and pee (Sorry Yvonne!) Then during the day I had to come up with new ideas to diaper the doll once the original 2 were quickly used up.

Aila chose ....... MORE CARS !!!

The next stop was 'DOLLARAMMA !!!'I told the girls they could choose 5 things each.

Well...... who knew ?? We came away with whoopie cushions, and a bright pink substance that also makes unseemly sounds, that I have now 'put away'.

I thought to myself 'this Gramma sure needs an education some days since I have forgotten so much from my parenting days ' all the while cleaning up spilled paint and broken pieces of farm machinery.

I had promised to make cookies with the girls and Anneka wanted to do all the things we had talked about in the first day.

So we baked ... cookie mix of course!


The smile says it all.


Aila had her turn as well , and I learned she actually likes the batter better than the finished product. Reminding me ....
As a young teen, I used to bake a chocolate cake mix especially at a certain time of the month. One time, so much of the batter disappeared that my mother was amazed that the cake was so thin, and when she accused me of eating the batter, I am afraid I denied it. (She was a smart mom). Anyway, all that to say, that Aila is carrying on the fun.

By supper time there was one more thing required of me. Anneka loves those Pillsbury crescent rolls, so we had bought some while shopping. I told her I was not too good at this kind of cooking.(My domestic hormone bit the dust many years ago)

But.... at the end of the day Anneka tells me they taste just like Oma's , a high compliment indeed.

These children know how to wrap Gramma around their little finger. I know it and allowed it ... for the first day anyway.


Trudy said...

Sounds you are having lots of fun. I love seeing the pictures. The girls look so happy having their Gramma over and for a whole long week even.
Enjoy Nancy!

Love Oma

Amrita said...

lovely time you girls are having. Such fun. I 'm sure the snow outside doesn 't bother you.

Rebecca said...

What fun...although I know from experience now that you will be tired at the end of it all...full of life and love, but tired! Looks like a great time though!!!!