Tuesday, October 14, 2008



Sometimes, the humor of the Lord just jumps right out at me. Today while checking out the National Geographic web site, I found this picture of this little smiling spider guarding her eggs.

What an incredible and amazing Creator we have ! Just makes me smile.

Well Rebecca, I don't love spiders but I have to say I am so impressed with their perseverence and determination in creating and restoring their lovely web.

I used to clean the windows in my Lakefield job, and almost immediately those little things were back spinning like crazy to re-establish their web.

I am always happy to be amazed at the intricacy of our Creator, and how He is so into the finest detail no matter how seemingly insignificant and sometimes disgusting it may seem to some humans, myself being primarily disgusted with bugs of all sorts.


Jeanette said...

I love this picture, Nancy! Complete with eyebrows, even!

Rebecca said...

I LOVE spiders. There is one on the outside of one of my Dad's kitchen windows with this HUGE beautiful and perfectly formed web surrounding it. My Dad says he is waiting for the window washer, but I am simply enjoying it!