Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Something New, Something Fresh, Something Alive.


iBethel tv.

Bethel Church in Redding California is streaming free video of some of their worship and teachings.

I am so thankful. A wonderful way to spend an evening with the Lord after a tedious day 'out there'.

I was speaking with a good friend last night, and we were reminiscing of our early days of getting together and soaking in the Presence of the Lord.

Sometimes we were at Diane's , sometimes we sat wrapped in blankets in the front room at WCV when it was minus 40 degrees outside and we had one little heater.

Sometimes we went to Gail's house or Bevy's or mine.

When I consider those times I remember thinking it would always be like that, the ladies together, hidden, praying for the Presence of Jesus to come to our church and our city.

Never did I imagine we would all end up scattered across the country. But we are, and we must press on and press into all Holy Spirit would ask of us still.

I am so grateful for the technology of web streaming , the International House of Prayer and now I am enjoying the worship of Bethel Church in Redding, and I appreciate what Bill Johnson keeps saying....

' I've got Good News for you, God is in a good mood . Are you ready ?'.


Anonymous said...

Remember it well. Good Times!
Thanks for the encouragement. Yes, we must press on and into all Holy Spirit is asking us. At this time, feel we're supposed to be part of healing rooms. Very hesitant to really get involved again but feel the Lord prompting me. Miss ya and luv ya lots.

Rebecca said...

I also watch KC and Bethel church....in fact I fall asleep with it on..last night I woke up and that Conner guy was praying over peoples belongings and tossing them back.......I had Eithne over for a sleep over and she was using my bed so I slept in the computer room so it is not a hardship for me at all!! Also this is a month of prayer and fasting at my church and so I have been spending extra time in the prayer room which operates on the same principles...I usually lose my make up within five minutes and so today I got smart and left off the eye makeup until I left there and went to visit someone! Not for any other reason than there is such a wonderful presence that melts you immediately......