Friday, January 02, 2009

Another Year Passes

2009...I wonder what the journey ahead holds .

Every year at this time, I reflect prayerfully on the last one, just to bring to mind how I handled my life and all that the Lord walked through with me.

Looking back I find that it was actually not as bad as it seemed at the time. I moved...twice..and now have my own small space which I share with my recent puppy addition Zoey who is a joy and delight to my heart.

The Lord provided full time employment, which gives me the opportunity to pay the bills as well as learn a lot in many other ways.

My time as a Care Giver came to an end with the passing of my dear Bertha last July.

Unfortunately had several really bad hair cuts....thank goodness it keeps growing.

Sometimes I struggle with the purpose for my life and since today is my birthday , naturally feelings of low self esteem try to ruin the day.

Tonight my two sisters took me to a movie.

Marley and Me.

It was such a good book when I read it shortly after my Sam died, and the movie makes you laugh as well as remember the pain of losing a really good friend after many years of loyal devotion and fun.


Tomorrow night my sister is having a Birthday dinner for me. Such a lovely thing to do . I am blessed.

All in all though, I imagine facing 2009 with a soberness in my spirit. The times we live in are challenging to say the least, and I am glad my future is in the Secure Hands of my Loving Jesus.

I wonder what He was thinking when He decided to create me ? What if my mom had found a way to end an unexpected pregnancy ? In her desperation she did try . Would my children have been born through someone else, or would they also not exist ?

When I think of the 50 million babies that are aborted in the states every year,( I don't know the canadian stats ) I wonder .... how long will their blood cry out for justice ? Kind of makes my heart tremble . I can't even fathom the trembling in the heart of the One who creates all Life and ultimately must let Justice roll.

Jesus, every breath, every heartbeat belongs to You. I love You. Thank you for my life.

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