Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Good Grief !


Zoe woke me up this morning at six a.m. with the sounds of her throwing up.

Upon investigation I was so surprised to see she had barfed up a button way too large for a small dog. What next I wonder ?

She can sniff out used chewing gum under the snow and even come up with things from the floor that amaze and astound me. Push pins from the bulletin board, paper clips from who knows where.... the list is growing.

This is actually very dangerous for her and when I talked to the vet today she told me she had just done surgery to remove an elastic from the intestine of a cat.

Responsibility for a pet is way more that we can imagine sometimes. My previous dog Sam never did any of this weird stuff, but Zoe has her own different personality and strange attraction for eating absolutely anything

.....except her dog food.

1 comment:

Amrita said...

Oh dear me thank goodness she puked it out. One doesn 't know what they are consuming.