Saturday, December 09, 2006

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Ahhhh the memories.... Boney M Christmas Music....a flash from the past to be sure, but playing now as I get ready to go to work for the night.

How much I would rather be where Yvonne and Jason are tonight.(IHOP)

These overnights are a challenge. Not difficult , just tiring .
A very different kind of 'Night Watch'.

Now I must drop Sam at the sitters, so I am on my way. God Bless!


Rebecca said...

I think it is so much 'more' to be where you are tonight......we have sat and sat and sat in meetins for 'hundreds' of years getting fat and satisfying ourselves. Very few of the folk who do this (myself included) take what they have gleaned to the streets and pass it on - which is what you are doing. We say very quickly and easily 'Come Lord Jesus' but then we want Him to come to a meeting room where we are sitting...He has come to change things for broken people, and YOU are a part of that. The Change. The Challenge. Strength to you to carry on...!

Nancy said...

Maybe so, but today I am tired from sleeping (lightly, while listening) in a strange bed four nights out of seven, listening to the news over and over several decibels above hearing level,and not being able to really help these people except to feed them and make sure they do not injure themselves. Sometimes the weariness is more than enough, and the warm atmosphere of Love very far away.

Rebecca said...

I totally understand your exhaustion and your aloneness and wondering what you are doing, if anything. I am sleeping onthe floor right now in this tiny little room surrounded by all of the stuff I moved out of my bedroom so that the kids could have it. I was sleeping on the couch in the living room, but the kids need it for when Eithne wakes up in the I am sleeping in the closet. It is not at all comfortable, but I am reminded that I am not doing this for myself but for others. Will they recognize it? No....will it count for me serving Jesus, even though it seems like nothing? Yes.
And so will what you are doing....and love will find you and wrap itself around you...eventually
Love r