Tuesday, July 21, 2009


"I formed thee... I knew thee... I sanctified thee; I have appointed thee."Jer:1:5

GOD HAS a plan for each of his children.

From the foot of the Cross, where we are cradled in our second birth, to the brink of the river, where we lay down our armour, there is a path which He has prepared for us to walk in.

God also prepares us for the path He has chosen. We are His workmanship, created unto the good works which He has before prepared.
There is no emergency in the path for which there has not been provision made in our nature.

From the earliest inception of his being, God had a plan for Jeremiah's career, for which He prepared him.

Ask what your work in the world is, that for which you were born, to which you were appointed, and on account of which you were conceived in the creative thought of God.

That there is a Divine purpose in thy being is indubitable. Seek that you may be permitted to realize it, and never doubt that you have been endowed with all the special aptitudes which that purpose may demand.

(F.B. Meyer devotional from e-sword.)

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