Monday, July 13, 2009

Return to Haliburton


While trying to recover from moving exhaustion ,I decided to visit our friends in Haliburton .
I had been putting this off due to the fact that this city girl does not fare well amidst the kind of insects that prey upon the blood of my puppy and myself, especially in the real country and not just the lawn beside our apartment.

So, it seems that those nasty black flies had been dispersed, only to leave way for the Deer Fly. I have to say, these are also very mean and nasty . They dive bomb any unsuspecting creature , buzzing very loudly , angrily taking aim at any exposed hide available . I have been told they can cause deer to come charging crazily out of the bush trying to find relief.

Well,when it came time to take Zoe out for her night duty,( I did have a safe animal insect repellent for her, thanks to Carol and Bud.)
I was somewhat apprehensive until my friend came up with the gear she uses to keep from being a bugs meal.


Works quite well, though not terribly attractive , and they tell me the next bad bug coming is the Horse Fly.

How do these folks handle putting up with all this ?

Hmmmmm....I may just have to stay here in the city for a while longer. Yep....I'm a wuss!

1 comment:

Carol-Ann Allen said...

I wuss just wonderin' what you'd call it cuz I'm wun too!