Monday, August 21, 2006

Pic's Mix

The big let down after the wedding celebrations has passed now, and I have a couple of departure shots. Julie and the boys flew out last week and life here has settled back to normal, with work and sleep , and not much else lately.

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Later while visiting my sister she had a visitor. JoAnne is a cat lover with a heart for all little critters. She has six of her own and she feeds 3 neighbourhood cats who drop by on a regular basis for treats. Then there is the baby racoon who who was brought by his mother one evening. But this little one takes the prize.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

This last one was in response to one of the indoor cats coming over to the door to take a look. Thankfully this baby is not primed to spray yet.

Left over from the wedding .....a parking ticket that Yvonne got for me the day of the wedding.


Carol-Ann Allen said...

Oh, I LOVE the skunk! I saw a Mama skunky and a whole line of itty-bittys tripping down the street near our home a couple of years ago and will never forget the moment! The headlights of my car picked them up as I rounded a curve. They were boppling along in single file -- all the little ones intent on being exact mimics of Mama's regal step! Their soft little tails were all curling at the exact same spot and were wafting along like a scarf in a breeze! I pulled the car over and watched, completely awestruck as their dainty march led them into a culvert under the road! Ha! Why is it in life that such respect rarely results from creating a big stink!

Hey -- you and Sam need to plan a weekend in TO when there's no huge event to attend! Maybe after we've settled from our back-to-school rush!

Nancy said...

Sounds great Carol-Ann. We will do that .