Thursday, August 24, 2006


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Today my sister JoAnne and I took a little trip to Toronto. Jo had to see a doctor, so I accompanied her for moral and prayer support.

We travelled by Greyhound Bus. This is a much easier mode of transportation when going to the heart of the city. The bus depot is about a two minute walk from Eaton Center, where, of course we walked our small town legs off. Oh...and we did a bit of shopping and a lot of browsing.

Later we walked north on Yonge St. in search of a certain little specialty shop. It is a strange experience to walk on Yonge Street. The day was lovely.

Saw this.....for real.

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I whispered a prayer, and wondered if that was Jesus in disguise.

Of course this person is only one of many , but today in the midst of this busy city, I was only aware of the lost. It seemed to me to be a multitude , and I wondered what it would take to bring True Salvation and if there would be any who would say yes .

Sometimes the Mystery is overwhelming.

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Wow, you and your sister look so alike!