Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Life Changing Ladies

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These are the ladies that the Lord used to change and ultimately re-direct the whole focus and purpose of my life. My Aunt Kay in the wheelchair and my little Aunt Teresa. Two loving sisters , now re-united in heaven.

My Aunt Kay had Alzheimers disease, and I still remember how radically affected I was when I visited her with Aunt T. back in 2003. So many elderly and seemingly forgotten people, locked in a terrible world of forgetfullness , forgotteness, fear and lonliness. All dignity gone, as they have no control of their bodily functions. It's like infancy all over again, only the Door to eternity is standing open nearby.

Maybe it's true that those who suffer from this disease, are not aware in the later stages, but I cannot help but wonder. These are human beings who end their lives sitting for hours, alone and lost in hallways and lonely rooms of nursing homes. Many family members stop coming to visit for whatever reasons.

Today, my friend Ruth (one of my tenants) from my work, and her daughter gave me a box of chocolates as a going away thank you gift. Ruth seems to have early Alzheimers. I love this lady. I am sad when I think of the long journey ahead of her and her children.

When I go Ontario, I hope to pursue this field of serving the senior community. Today when I hugged Ruth, I knew I wanted to care for people like her.
There is a company called Home Instead Senior Care. This is who I have an interview with.

They provide services one on one, similar to what I did for my Aunt T. The pay is not great, but they use caring people like myself. I am not professionally trained to be a home care provider, but this is the next best thing for people like me to be hands on helpers. Cooking meals, light housekeeping, shopping, doctor's appointments etc. that kind of thing. So, we will see how that developes.

If I could be trained to look after Alzheimers patients, I think that is what I would choose, or palliative care. It's really the Lord who will prepare the way, and me as well.

I have rented a room in a home there, who will let me have Sam . This is a university town, so rooms are plentiful. The Lord has been so Faithful. I feel the need to travel light these days for some reason, so I will not take any of my own furniture.
Kind of reminds me of 'sell all you have and follow Me.'

There is an emphasis today on the younger generation being called and trained up by God for the days spoken of in Joel. When the Lord pours out His Spirit, it will be on ALL flesh, and that's the old flesh as well.

When I am with the elderly I am the youngster, and I get a kick out of that. These dear souls are as vital to Jesus as any of us, and He has begun to put this on my heart. Eternity is at the door for many of these I see every day, and that makes my prayers seem more urgent . So I am going, and I will pray, and see where the road takes me.


Rebecca said...

There is an emphasis today on the younger generation being called and trained up by God for the days spoken of in Joel. When the Lord pours out His Spirit, it will be on ALL flesh, and that's the old flesh as well.
I love this comment Nancy!

Anonymous said...

I hear Jesus, walking with you. And I see you ministering to Him in His 'distressing disguise' (cf. Mother Teresa).

Nancy said...

Rebecca, we have heard of these words for a long time haven't we? It is true, and I am very aware of the need for the lost youth to come to know that they are loved by God. So, as I am grateful for that focus, I think something has gone missing in the church as the older generation has been seemingly disqualified.
Yay to God for letting us know HE has NOT disqualified us, and that 'The Call is still on! "(he who has ears to hear! )

Greg !!! I am undone by these words! Thank you. Keep hearing my friend.