Saturday, May 20, 2006

Amazing Moving Day

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It seems to me that the Lord is very busy these days, shifting His people into strategic positions, as the Winds of His Spirit,move across the planet.

I just liked this picture, and I have a friend who is named Nancy as well, who can relate to the joke. I met this lovely friend last year in the Simeon Company. Our stories are very similar, and how we have been travelling across the land , surrendered to the Holy Spirit, while feeling like we were living out of our cars.

Hey there Nancy, I hope you are well my friend.I am thinking of you tonight. I finished up my 'time' in my apartment. Jason and Yvonne and the girls dropped by to pick up some furniure. While helping Jay, I bumped my face, and popped a rib. (ouch)It slipped back in but ,man, that was a strange feeling.

Later another friend dropped by , and was kind enough to help me finish up. I had to bring some stuff to Julie's , where I will be staying until Tuesday, when I leave.
She is away, and had left me a key. I opened the door, no problem. Dropped some things on the table as well as my car keys, and went out for another load.

Oops! the door locked behind me, and we were locked out. I had no last names, no phone contacts, and no phone anyway.
What did this 'mature'grandmother do? Well, I broke in. Yep! Climbed up on a chair, with help from my friend/accomplice, and shinied through a kitchen window, over the sink, and climbed down from the cupboard, waiting to see if the sirens were coming.

I don't know if it was really break and enter since I did have the key, just not on me. Anyway...nothin! No one even seemed to notice, and it was broad daylight.
I commented to my friend, that was way too easy.
It should not be that easy to break into a house. I will have to talk to my daughter about getting her windows made more secure. On the other hand , 'this one time' I am glad I was able to get in.

Now, Sam is trying to prove to the two cats here, that 'he's the man', and that they should respect that. Ha! No way. So I referee again. Oh well, I am too tired to care much tonight.
It was a good day, satisfying in the awareness that Jesus is so Near, whispering His encouragement and blessing in the preparations for our departure. I am not looking forward to the two day drive east, but once I get going , it seems to be o.k.

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'Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it abides alone, but if it dies, it bears much fruit. I will miss my family here, especially the grandbabies, as Bevy calls them with affection. I will miss Sanctuary House of Prayer. There is always a dying , but this kind leads to Life Himself. So I am content, and looking forward to Fresh Beginnings.


Joyska said...

i am so sorry i missed hanging out while you were here... not sure why it didn't happen, but regardless... sorry. I am praying for you as you step into this new chapter of the adventure you are on! Keep in touch!

Rebecca said...

that is a funny friend the house breaker!!

Anonymous said...

Nancy, thanks for thinking of me! We should make that picture into bumper stickers. I drove in the pouring rain to say goodbyes to family members this weekend (Not leaving yet - just getting ready for the next move). I felt angels surrounding my car as I drove & I heard Him say, "I'm here with you." By the way, I just got my oil changed too. They always try to get me to purchase "extras" that I don't need, but this time I think God told them not to even think about taking advantage of an old woman! He protects us AND our "homes." Love you! the other Nancy

Mandy said...

Hi Nancy, You sound wonderful. Surely the Lord's hand is upon you giving you strength, joy and peace. What a blessing.

Funny story, too about breaking and entering! How is your rib, now?

Nancy said...

Mandy, thanks for asking. My side is still sore, I think I pulled the muscle as well, but I am able to function pretty well, What a day that was!