Thursday, May 25, 2006

Calm Down My Soul

The hour is late here, but I am winding down from the spin out I have been on since I arrived yesterday.
I am grateful to whoever is praying for me.Thank you so much.

Today, (Thursay) I had my job interview and it went very well. I start on the 9th. of June.
In the meantime, I am trying to solve my dog sitting dilema, during this latest transition period. Sam is a good dog, but has had many changes to cope with these days, and I don't feel comfortable leaving him here alone yet.

I have decided to calm my soul a bit, and try to get a grip on my emotions which are fragile with fatigue and stress . The lady who is renting this room to me, is nice, and we talked things over today. I have decided to stay here for a while, to get my job going, and see how that goes for a few weeks.

My room still needs a lot of work, but I asked her to just leave it for now. There are no blinds /curtains on the windows. I have a bed , but that's about all for now.

What do mercy and grace look like ? Trying to think the way Jesus would in these circumstances, and remembering that He is Faithful, and that all this was no surprise to Him, only to me.

So, at the end of the day, I will trust Him, and try to let Him work His Image and Likeness more into my character through these testings. I feel better tonight, and the grip of fear has lifted. Thank You Lord.I Love You.

1 comment:

Bev said...

Even KC had some tough parts at the beginning