Friday, May 12, 2006

Moving On

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Sitting here tonight remembering last Friday. I was physically present in the Prayer Room , fully engaged with the Lord. Wonderful!

At this moment I am somewhat farther away physically, but my heart is moved as I agree with the heart songs ascending before the Throne. The bowls are singing, and the bowls above, are filling at the same time, as I listen to the Prayer Room live.

God is so Amazingly Loving and Tender tonight. I need Him so much, and I am thankful for the hunger in my heart that reaches beyond my world and nurtures His longing for me .

I hear Him singing over me . How amazing is that ! It is good to lean this way. His Gaze kindles a fire in my heart that will never be snuffed out.

Finally I am recovering from the long drive home, and have tried to get motivated to pack for the next mile in my incredible adventure with God.

It seems that no matter how often I try to downsize my 'stuff', I still have way too much.

While I was in K.C. my job was secured, even before the interview. Another 'kiss' from the Lord. He is so Great and Full of surprises. I am very thankful and very blessed.

The picture above is by Oliver
I love his work. Very powerful visuals that speak to my heart .


Bev said...

When are you offically leaving? I've been working nights the last few days so my phone has been off.

Nancy said...

I am not positive yet, but by the 23rd. of May at the latest.