Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Dog Tired

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Today Sam and I took a long awaited trip to Trenton to visit our dear friend Lillian.

On the way we made a necessary stop at the Quinte Animal Hospital. Sam has been sick now for a few days. Since Saturday actually when he had a little 'fainting spell' I call it, but really it was a kind of heart problem.

He has congestive heart failure, edema in his one lung and pneumonia.
A sick little guy. Never the less , he still is able to get churned up when near my sister's cats, so we didn't stay too long.

I have started him on his medication, and we get the results of his EKG on Friday. The rest is in the Hands of Jesus, who does all things well. I have had a 'feeling' for a while now ......

It was really an excellent visit with Lillian, and I will have more to share on that story there later.

In the meantime I will treasure every moment I can with my buddy Sam, who has been on this crazy adventure called my life for eleven years now.

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